Roger Merchberger wrote:
I'm not saying there *weren't* Win95
versions (read: corporate) that
didn't need a CD-Key, but *every* one I ever worked with did, and I
worked with a lot of copies of Win95 very early on, from a lot of OEMs
and copies purchased straight from M$.
Indeed - ISTR the numbers being somewhat interchangeable though. One CD
key would happily work with a Win95 CD that was shipped with a different
key, which always seemed a little pointless.
Hmm actually, was it Win95 where the entry of the key was optional and
hitting escape just let you skip past it (with all the legal issues that
created)? Maybe that was a different bit of MS software with a CD key at
around the same time though...
I think that was WFW3.11. If you could do it with W95 I never
figured out how.
Not that I ever tried, or anything.... ;^)