>Power issues and space....
A standard arcade machine is rated at 8.0A max @ 110VAC
- that runs
the board set, the lights and the 19" monitor.
But when you collect video games like I do, and run them during social
events (about 6 of 'em at a time), it's as bad as firing up a VAX.
Of course, the wiring in my house sucks. The electricians put an average of
three rooms on a 15 amp branch.
I do both. MAME is portable, but MAME on a PeeCee
keyboard can't match
the feel of real buttons, etc.
Yea - no kidding. Try playing Robotron on a PC.... Or Star Wars (using
The other issue of emulators vs the real thing is odd
controllers -
spinners come to mind immediately: Tempest, Star Trek and Arkanoid.
Xenophobe is another, because of the thumb buttons. I've played it
with MAME (and on my Lynx) and it's not the same feel. It's much
smoother with the original hardware.
I also like putting quarters in my machines. It's sort of a savings account
for my addiction.
That's the key - not shipping these things across
the country.
I used to use "Forward Air" and have my games arrive at Houston
Intercontinental Airport. From there, I would use a hotshot delivery
service to bring them to my house. Shipping to IAH was about $150, and
another $25 to have it brought into my garage. Now I just look locally for
my stuff.
Getting it into the house and past the wife was my task..... (probably the
Recently I grabbed a Centipede for $250. That's a good price (it's in
decent condition). Before that was a Missile Command ($650) and a Tempest
On the whole, I find arcade game collecting complementary to my VAX
addiction. Both use similar technology (not including mass storage), so the
techniques used to fix one can be used with the other.
Both devices (VAX and arcade game) are about the same vintage, and use
similar components - for the most part.
- Matt
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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