My oppinion on burners: Willem or Elnec.
Willem is the classic home-made programmer by - has great
acceptance, works right and has a (not so much) update(d) software for DOS
and Windows. Since I don't see windows as an enemy, it works fine for me.
Only programs EPROMS/flash/etc but for the classic computer user seems to be
kind of enough.
Elnec makes the best programmers and has the best support in the world.
Period. I have a Beeprog (48 pin
full-everything-pin-driver-whatever-it-means) and it can read/program
anything I could ever imagine. It even tests TTL/CMOS/**some linear and
VLSI*** chips. It can test even a 8255!!! This is not cheap (In Brazil I
paid around R$ 2500 -> Us$ 1200, but this is almost 3 times the price of
USA) but is the last programmer you'll buy in some 15 to 30 years.
Greetings from Brazil