But I didn't say *professional* writers still use
M100s. I said "some
writers", and I think the folks who self-publish stories on the
Internet, enter writing contests, contribute to the various on-line
magazines etc. or just write for pleasure and entertainment of friends
and family are every bit as much 'writers' as your elite group of 'real
writers', and some of them do indeed prefer the M100 and its cousins to
their modern laptops and desktops for its unique features.
Oh geez. Nobody said anything about "elite" just because it's my career.
I'd be shocked if 1 in 10,000 writers today every HEARD of the Model
100, let alone use it. But if what you really mean is that you hang out
with a bunch of old cranks, one or two of which call themselves writers
and still use a Model 100, then I guess that's true. :)
As Bill Loguidice observed in a thread elsewhere about
your opinionated
post, "...there really is no true modern equivalent to what the M100
series can do", especially when equipped with?modern multi-MB RAM and
storage expansions, USB, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity options,
multiple tools and programs instantly accessible from ROM etc., etc.
Bill L. is a good friend of mine and I'd happily debate him on this. The
answer is: Chromebook. Turn it on, boots just about instantly, runs on
all day on a single charge, has an awesome offline text editor
available, light as a feather, and starts around $200. I love mine.
A little before your time of course...
?? I'm in my 40s.