Well, I now have the fixings for an interesting VAXcluster in the basement:
VAX 6000 320, VAXstation 4000 90, VAXstation 3100 40 (I think), VAX 4000
200, and some maybe-OT alphas (DEC 3000/300X, DEC 3000/700, and a DEC
3000/800). Also a TU-81+ w/ RA-81, and a RA-91 in the 6K machine. Support
hardware includes a DELNI, DECserver 100, and an HP bridge to segment the
cluster off the network proper.
Now I have to figure out how I'm going to tie it all together. The plan so
far is to cluster all the VAXen over the DELNI. I don't have any CI
equipment, and in any case IIRC only the 6K would be able to use it. I'm
not positive what I'm going to do with the alphas, but I'd like at least one
of 'em in the cluster too, maybe dual-boot them into OpenVMS or NetBSD. I
think OpenVMS 7.? still supports the old VAXen, and from what I've heard on
c.o.v it's recommended over the 5.5-? currently installed on three of the
Ok, I confess this was partly to brag, but has anyone done something neat
with a VAXcluster that I could do too? I'm not to the point where I can
spark everything at once (need a new power circuit for the 6K for one
thing-- did the 220V conversion already, thanks), but I'd like to have a
direction early on, kind of a goal to work towards. Anyone want to share?