I've been having my eye out for a DTC-01. But they seem to be hens
teeth. Or perhaps they just didn't cross the ocean.
Any suggestion on where to find one?
On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 09:57:19PM -0400, Jonathan Gevaryahu wrote:
I know that the original vt240-molded-case DTC-01-AA
DECtalk had
multiple firmware versions, but all units I've ever seen have had
the v2.0 (i.e. the final) firmware installed. I know at least
version 1.8 existed in older units, and was wondering if anyone here
has a DECtalk DTC-01 with firmware 1.8 (or any version other than
2.0) in it. It should speak "Dectalk version x.x is running" when
powered up.
Bill G. had or used to have a v1.8 unit, but I can't manage to get
in contact with him and I don't know if he still has it.
At least one other person on usenet had a v1.8 unit where the eproms
all bitrotted to blank after a while.
P.S. I'm also hunting for DECtalk DTC-03 (decmodem-rackmount)
firmware versions; there are at least three, maybe as many as six
different firmware versions for those cards.
Jonathan Gevaryahu
jgevaryahu at
jgevaryahu at