I cannot find the primary legislation, and I bet if I
could I'd
regret it :-)
I would be a lot happier if I knew what the law actually said...
Apparently in the US the sales of alternatives (like rough service
bulbs) are being
monitored and action may be taken if sales go up too much. or maybe not,
who knows.
Argh!. So perhaps we'd better not stock up on rough service bulbs...
And what on
earth is the point of 'no more than 2 bulbs per
box', other
than to ensure the use of excessive packaging which will need to be
recylced. I thought they were trying to cut down waste, not
increase it...
Same as the analgesics packaging rules: if you make it inconvenient
to go around the rules, most people won't be bothered. Job done.
Err, no. As somebody pointed out, the laws on aspirin mean you have to
take time to take an overdose, by which point you might get fed up and
decide to take your life in some other way.
But nobody (that I know of) fits domestic light bulbs in bulk. They fit a
new one when the old one fails. So extra pacakaging is not an
inconvenience, it's just a wast.
"We have to do it this way" never cuts much
ice in these sorts
of things, at least as far as I can see. Let's just be grateful
that it is still available and that a lifetime's supply isn't
really that hard to build up over time. (Who knows, they might
be watching your spending habits ... I'm always amazed I can still
buy Ferric Chloride ... it is a chemical after all :-))
So is sodium chloride, and I've had no problems buying that recently...
But a lot of totally harmless checmicals are now very hard to get, which
is a great pity...