As for the Acorn, did it ever get exported anywhere?
I know they
never really made it here to the US. Another good example would be
the Sinclair, except for the little Timex-Sinclair system that was
out at about the same time as the VIC-20, or a little before, I don't
think any Sinclair models made it to the US (I have one, but it came
from a list member a few years ago).
The Beebs did make it here -- there are NTSC BBC units. I've seen one, but
the guy wouldn't sell it. (Darn.)
As far as T/S units, there's the 1000 (ZX-81), the 1500 (81 on roids), the
2048, basically a 48K ZX Spectrum with better video, and the beautiful but
incompatible 2068 which is Spectrum-like but dissimilar from any specific
model. So, as I'm sure Glen Goodwin will add, there were more T/S innovations
than we give them credit for.
Btw, anyone getting rid of a 2068?
---------------------------------- personal: --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser at
-- "I'd love to go out with you, but I need to clean my toilet brush."