In message <m19JhvL-000IzIC@p850ug1>
ard(a) (Tony Duell) wrote:
Rubbish!. Are you seriously trying to tell me
that these skills can't be
learnt? I would claim that anybody who _truely_ understood a modern
machine would have no problems on an older one. The fact that very few
people understand modern computers is the problem, not that the older
machines are so different.
That's more or less my opinion exactly. As long as
I had at least a manual
for the CPU, I could probably sit down in front of a computer and program
it. I'd probably curse the designers or the CPU a few times, but I could
probably do it. I know basic x86 assembler (yuck), some CDP1802 assembler,
Well, I don't claim to be a programmer, and I've never used an Altair or
an Imsai, but I'll make the following claim. Put me in front of either
machine with the standard documentation, and I am _sure_ I could figure
out how to use it.
6502 assembler, C, PASCAL and (rusty) BASIC. I could
sit down in front of
nearly any 1980s home computer and program it. I say "nearly any" because I
don't know FORTH, but I do intend to learn it when the Ace is up and running
: GREETING ." Hello World !" CR ;
Forth is one of my favoruite languages for quick hacks, but then I like
RPN systems in general. It took me an afternoon to learn enough Forth to
be dangerous :-)
heck of it. To me, priority number one is getting the
machine running and
keeping its exterior casing in good condition. Priority two is historical
accuracy - IC datecodes and suchlike.
Me too. I'll do reversable kludges, like sticking an IC to the PCB and
wiring it in with wire-wrap wire, dead-bug style if I can't get the
original part and need to make up a replacement. It can always be ripped
out and replaced by the right chip if I do find one.
I'm surprised the Ace's electrolytic
capacitors are still OK!
WHy? I don't find electrolytics to be a major problem in classic
computers (unlike in more modern SMPSUs and monitors...)