As much as I like blinkenlights and rows of switches, I also have an
appreciation for the 'blank monolith' or utilitarian cabinet style, for the
contrast between the exterior simplicity and the complexity hidden within,
imparting an element of mystery.
I'm thinking of large old stuff here (perhaps like the 1401 Chuck mentioned),
where you open it up and it's filled with rows and rows of little circuit
boards, not a modern plain beige box where, once you open it up, you're met
by another blank monolith in the form of a VLSI CPU chip.
Digressing somewhat, in a fit of nostalgia my list of iconic aspects of
computers would go something like:
1. blinkenlight panels
2. spinning open-reel vacuum-column tape drives
3. text in MICR font
4. punch cards
5. plugboards filled with a criss-cross maze of wires
But I was a child in the 60's - those items were the popular/public face of
computers in those days.