Thanks for the feedback. One of the slots where I added a short grant
card previously had an M7856 board. I will have a look at this board
in the morning. I understand it doesn't connect the NPG line so it is
possible if this is not connected on the backplane that board was
wired to connect it.
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:43 PM, E. Groenenberg <quapla at> wrote:
snip snip
Are yuo
using the single-height grant boards (little square things) or
the dual-height ones (with handles)? If the former, check you've got
the right way round, the traces towards the M9302 end of the backplane.
Yes it certainly looks like a grant issue. I have the little square
boards and they are all correctly inserted.
You might suffer from an open NPR/NPG line on one of the open slots.
This is cured by using dthe double width cards (green handles).
The short cards only loop the bus grant lines, hence the 4 loops, but
not the NPR/NPG line.
Some non DMA cards loop this line on the board itself, others don't.
So, you may have to place a small wire on the open NPR/NPG grant line
(pin CA1 & CB1) or find a few G7273 cards.
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