I've already cracked open the meter and tweaked the internal load
resistor. The simple 8-resistor ladder I built _works_, with the
exception of a noticable dip in voltage between 2^5-1 and 2^5, and
2^6-1 and 2^6, and 2^7-1 and 2^7.
What resistor vavlues are you using, and what tolerance?
Second, The output port is TTL? CMOS? IF TTL the
output swing is
not to 5V to with even light loads. IF CMOS output voltage will sag
if the load is too great.
To be honest, I have no idea - it's an integrated port on a modern
machine. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a CMOS port, but I don't
know that for a fact.
Write 0xFF to the port, and measure the voltage on the data lines with a
(fairly high impedance) voltmeter. A CMOS driver will give you almost
5V, a TTL one will be quite a bit lower (it might only be about 2.5V).
Then connect up your 'DAC', write FF again, and measure the voltages
again. If they're significantly lower, your DAC is loading the port too
much, use higher value resistors. You might also try writing 0 to a
particular port line, measuring the voltage there with the others at all
0's and all 1's. Then do the same thing with the line you're monitoring
set to 1. Repeat those tests for all 8 port lines. If you see the voltage
on the line being monitored change when you change other bits, again I
think the resistors are too low.