At 06:53 AM 4/1/03 +0100, Phil wrote:
Mike Ross wrote:
Most of of us become unfriendly when directed to
a website that tries
to install Gator spyware on our machines, like you just did...
That's one of
the advantages to Mozilla - I can set it not to show
unrequested popups. A quick hack to my machine's HOSTS file finishes the
job. No more Gator or Cometcursor :-)
That's nice but Gator isn't a pop-up. It's spy-ware. I snoops on your
system for whatever it's told to look for (including things like credit card numbers,
passwords, buying and browsing habits, etc) and sents the results back to people that you
don't want to have it. FWIW I use Guide-Scope to block the pop-ups AND to selectively
block cookies and Ad-Aware to search out and delete spy-ware. They're both available
from the net for free and they seem to work fine.