On 2003.09.02 15:28 David Woyciesjes wrote:
Why not
set the board for a 200Mhz. CPU? That's one of the
documented options.
I would, except I don't have the required PLL and
parts for it.
Change the PLL? PLLs are there that you don't need to change
beside some jumpers and perhaps a crystal. On the EB164, e.g., the PLL
has a fixed ratio of 1:10 so you allways need a crystal that is 1/10 of
the CPU clock. The jumpers are there to set the CPU to IO clock ratio.
Well, I may be wrong about what the parts are called, but I do need to
get two parts in order to use a 200MHz CPU on the board. But since it
looks like I'll be getting my hands on a 275MHz CPU, it doesn't matter
now... :)
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818