On 8 Sep 99 at 12:14, Roger Merchberger wrote:
Rumor has it that Jan133(a)aol.com may have mentioned
these words:
Sorry for the late intro to the thread -- been out of town for a week.
Both EPS and
JTS seem to be out of business.
Hmmmmm... To bring this on topic, as JTS bought (and subsequently buried)
Atari, I wonder what will happen to the Atari name, and/or their computer
trademarks & whatnot...
TMK JTS pieced out the Atari software to a major game company whose name
escapes me. If JTS is indeed out of business, it would seem that the Tramiels,
who received a big chunk of JTS in the JTS-Atari merger have perfected the art
of winding up businesses - likely at a profit.
ciao larry
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