On Wed, 2009-04-15 07:53:25 -0500, Jim Battle <frustum at pacbell.net> wrote:
Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
On Tue, 2009-04-14 10:52:00 -0500, Jules
Richardson <jules.richardson99 at gmail.com> wrote:
The DEC ones I've seen are extremely high
resolution - from
memory, something like 11 x 13 A4 pages on a fiche around 1" x
If this is right, then there's a scale factor of about 1:90 to
1:100 involved. That should tell everybody why even a good
consumer-grade scanner will not do the job. To get the equivalent
of a 300dpi scan, you'd need to have about 30000dpi. Nothing any
el-cheapo scanner could handle. (Let alone the problem of getting
the sheet properly into the light's focus.)
you are confusing linear pixel density with areal pixel density.
the 11"x13" fitting in 1"x1.5" implies a 11:1 scaling in density, so
300 dpi would be 3300 dpi. still very high for typical consumer
grade scanners. I believe 2400 dpi actual (not interpolated) is
available on decent models, though.
I don't--but I'm reading the initial comment different than you.
I'm reading: "On the fiches, they fit 11x13 (=143) A4 pages into an
area of 1"x1.5"=1.5in?."
So in the top-bottom direction, we have:
(11 * 297mm) : 1.5" = 3267mm : 38.1mm ? 85.75 : 1
...and for the left-right direction:
(13 * 210mm) : 1" = 2730mm : 25.4mm ? 107.48 : 1
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de +49-172-7608481
Signature of: 23:53 <@jbglaw> So, ich kletter' jetzt mal ins Bett.
the second : 23:57 <@jever2> .oO( kletter ..., hat er noch Gitter vorm Bett, wie
fr?her meine Kinder?)
00:00 <@jbglaw> jever2: *patsch*
00:01 <@jever2> *aua*, wof?r, Gedanken sind frei!
00:02 <@jbglaw> Nee, freie Gedanken, die sind seit 1984 doch aus!
00:03 <@jever2> 1984? ich bin erst seit 1985 verheiratet!