On 09/05/07, Alexandre Souza <alexandre-listas at e-secure.com.br> wrote:
SSS question (simple, small and stupid):
If your puter needs RT11 or whatever, and it was being used until
decomissioned, wasn't it being used with a valid license? Isn't that license
transfered? Is it still valid? If the license isn't transfered what is the
destiny of it?
Ok, dumb questions, but...so what?
I can't speak for RT11, but in the "whatever" case.. the company I
user to work for was a reseller for "BOS" (later Global) software.
The licences we sold to the end-users were basically:
- for that company's use only
- for use on any server they owned (to a qty limit as definied by the
- not transferrable.
- in some cases, dependant on an annual fee.
This meant that it was trivial to replace servers, even for different
architectures (as there was no distinction made between, say, pdp11,
x86, novell, windows installations, and you could just copy the apps
and data between them - the OS discs fo each implementation were
issued for a "nominal" copy charge..)
However, we had a couple of instances where a company went belly-up,
the assets were sold to a new company intending to re-start trading
"in-place" as it were, but they had to buy a completely new licence to
use the software on the machines they had in their posession
unchanged. (It helped, probably, that the company name and address of
the original licence holder was always displayed prominantly on the
So... yes,the machine might move on and still work for its new owner,
but the software wouldn't then be licenced!
[1]assuming they bought a "network" version, which covered all
machines that were linked in some form - we successfully argued once
that half a dozen sites that had a modem link between to transfer
transactions overnight counted as a single network...