Ian King wrote:
Please, I just ate.... The iPad is another Apple
marketing success, but it isn't "defining" in any sense. Just because the
bleating masses bought a bunch of them doesn't mean it's a meaningful step in any
direction except profit. It just means that the marketeers at Apple are without peer.
That's not a compliment.
But the iPad? Yuppie status symbol. Yet another
expression of Steve Jobs' control freak personality. Dead end. IMHO -- Ian
I must respectfully disagree. As an Apple fan-boy I don't own and
don't really plan to own an iPad, but it has literally "defined" a new
generation of computing/communication devices.
There are already a half-dozen slapped-up "aPad" products coming out
of China. Tablets suspiciously like the iPad running Android. There
are a staggering number of aPads in development that will probably
actually be quality products.
I've seen several PC companies introduce tablets or laptops that
convert to tablets over the years, and none of them sold many pieces or
influenced the market at all, really. I think that no matter what you
think of the iPad itself, you'd have to admit that it IS a defining
milestone in personal hardware.