On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:16 PM, ben <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca> wrote:
I wanted the H-11? Heathkit's PDP 11 rather than
the 8080, but the price
still scares me.
The H-11 price was far cheaper than a 100% DEC PDP-11 (the H-11 has
a real DEC CPU, but lots of Heath I/O and a 100% Heath backplane), but
yeah, compared to contemporary micros, the H-11 was still expensive.
I have a DE1 FPGA board now, so one I figure
how to format and dump disk images to a SD card, I am all set to run
classic computer, PDP 11 or Z80 CP/M comes to mind.
The "problem" with PDP-11s is and has always been peripheral, especially
mass storage, support. You can invent any kind of register model you
want when you make your own device (we did for the COMBOARD), but
it's then on you to write a driver for your OS of choice that lets you use
your device. The alternative is to completely emulate an existing
device down to the register level including odd behavior and side-effects
(odd things like writing to a read-only register on an RP-11C generating
an interrupt is required to successfully boot 2BSD). It's a big reason
MSCP controllers got popular later - every OS supported them and
you didn't have to fiddle rl vs rk vs hk vs rx vs xp...
I'm not saying don't try, but you might want to start small like providing
a multi-serial interface to your PDP-11 and hang a virtual (or externally
emulated) TU58 off of that. The register footprint and implementation
is trivial because you already have to have a console SLU, and this
is the same thing at a different I/O address as far as the CPU is
concerned. RT-11, at least, can boot off of TU58. UNIX not so much,
so it's still OS-dependent, but it gets you started.