I've been cleaning out the attic and unboxing a bunch of stuff I stored
away in the mid-'80s. I've got seveal 8008 systems - Mark8, RGS008,
SCELBI-8H, Mod8, MCS-8 - that I'd like to get running. I also have a lot
of related docs, including newsletters and manuals that I will be happy
to share as time permits.
I also want to get a few S100 "systems" together - Imsai/ProcTech,
Cromemco, TDL, Morrow and Godbout. I'm looking for a TDL SMB board,
Cromemco Tuart and Godbout CPU-Z for starters. Maybe an H8 as well.
I've been putting some stuff - mostly MITS - up on eBay to pay for parts
and tools, but I'd be interested in hearing about needs/wants/trades if
you have any of the above. Would also be interested in an S100 6809 card
if one was ever made.
Jack Rubin
Wilmette, Illinois