i know of pdp 11 thats going to get lost to a building demolition in
winnipeg if i was in the city i would jump up and down to grab it it my
self ive got most of the paper tapes for it and the drawings i managed to
rescue a while back.. theres a office on the otherside of the floor just
about other side of the wall from the 11 that has more manuals and
documents possibly 8" floppy disk software in said room (more like a closet
8x8 room
there some vandle damage to the front of the 11 was painted with some spray
and the spectrimanalizer its atached to was smashed
also theres also a room with the big built in desk for a control room
dating back to the 60's 70's been striped of some stuff if anyonres looking
for that sorta stuff