Since I've never seen this described anywhere
Older carts are easy, the reels and roller are held in place, the later ones
are not since the cover holds them down.
Assuming you're right-handed:
Put the cart on a table so the capstan roller is to your left
Take the band and place it on the capstan roller, pull it taught with your right
index finger and snake it between the two reels.
Put your thumb on the bottom reel (the one that normally has little tape on it)
your pinky or next-over finger on the capstan roller and index finder on the other
reel. Rotate one of the reels so the tape is tight, and apply pressure with all
three fingers to keep the tape tight.
Place the band across the bottom of the reel which has the most tape on it (depending
on if the tape was at the load point), by moving your index finger towards the
bottom white band roller. Make sure the band across the bottom of the tape is near the
center of the tape roll (you don't want it popping over or under the reel in the next
Now, you tighten the belt. This is the tricky part. The band really wants to go under one
the reels as you do this. Place the band around the white roller closest to the supply
making sure that the roller doesn't move upwards on the pin. Bring it over to the
other roller
apply tension and pop it on. Hopefully, the band hasn't popped under something as you
do this.
The most often thing that happens is the band goes under the capstan roller or the supply
Now, the belt is on, but there is some slack in the tape. Take the band across the reel
the least amount of tape and move it away from the reel, releasing the tension on it. Spin
reel to take up the tape slack, and release the band.
The things I had the hardest time with were the rollers moving up and down, and thinking
of a
simple way to tension the tape; move the band away.. duh..