Well, look at it this way Tim...he's offering to take some PC 'junk' off
a collectors' hands (and we all have too much of it I'm sure) so we can
fill our space with useful computers like PDPs and S100 boxes. =-)
He's offering to do us a service! ;)
On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Tim Shoppa wrote:
If your
brothers are looking to hook up to the college's computer
network (for email,www, etc.), you might want to steer away from
microchannel based machines (PS/2's and some others) because many
colleges are now installing networking cards right in the students
systems. Most of them won't have anything based on microchannel.
> I hope this isn't too far off the goal of this list... I am hoping that
> some of my friends from this great list might be able to help me out. I am
> desperately looking to buy 1 or 2 IBM compatible 386 machines. The reason
> is, I am looking to get a fairly low cost computer system for my brothers
> who are currently freshman and sophomore in college.
Is it just me, or do these discussions seem better suited to one of
the mainstream PC-clone newsgroups on Usenet?
I realize that 386's and 286's are, in some cases, more than ten years
old. They just don't seem very classic to me. Of course, I have
a room here at home with 7 PDP-11's, 9 9-track drives, a 7-track drive,
and 12 14" disk drives, so I may be entirely off base here. (And,
to bring the discussion back around, all these machines have Ethernet
cards in them and would work on a college's network just fine...)
Tim. (shoppa(a)triumf.ca)