On 22/04/2009 21:40, Richard wrote:
In article
<f4eb766f0904221259v22e47737xfb98f42b83523cc4 at mail.gmail.com>,
Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com> writes:
Check the RA81 service manual...
Not being intimately familiar with all the DEC nomenclature, is there
any site where this sort of thing is summarized in table form?
KD11, RA81, RP04, LA36, VT100, etc., they all follow a pattern and it
seems there is even some consistency "R" for disc drives, "VT" for
video terminals, etc.
However, for those of us that don't have this sort of thing memorized,
it sure would be handy to have an online reference.
It's almost what you want, but it's not a complete list: there's a list
of two-character device mnemonics supported by XXDP on the last page of
my XXDP manual+notes, at
Note that there's a longer list of mnemonics on pages 3-5 of that
document, but those ones are not the standard ones used for device
drivers etc. They're used for unique naming of XXDP diagnostic programs.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York