On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Eric Smith <spacewar at gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 13, 2014 3:11 PM, "Ryan Brooks"
<ryan at hack.net> wrote:
I believe the 68HC000 can dynamic size down to
Unfortunately the bus sizing feature is static, not dynamic, and is only on
available on the 68HC001, 68EC000, and 68SEC000, but not the far more
common 68HC000. The 68EC000 and 68SEC000 don't provide the /BGACK signal.
Of all of those, I only know a little about the 68EC000 but never
worked with it. ISTR hearing it was popular in washing machine
controllers, but that could be a fuzzy memory.
On the other hand, the 68SEC000 is apparently still in
production, and the
other variants are not.
I haven't kept up with what's in production and what is not. There
are so many MC68K-family CPUs out there that any project I'd tackle
wouldn't make a dent in the supply.
I have a crate of 64-pin DIP MC68000P (plastic) parts if anyone is
shopping - enough for two lifetimes.