On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 10:12 AM Christian Corti via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
My recommendation: use a proper multi-function copier
(the big copiers)
that can also scan to network. I currently use our big Konica-Minolta
bizhub 754. Although it'a b/w copier, it can also scan in color. This
These are great for cranking through big stacks of paper, but watch
out for the presets. Some (like the older Xerox I used to use at
work) would scan to "TIFF"...which was really a JPG-compressed image
in a TIFF wrapper. So even my 600dpi bilevel scans would have
compression artifacts.
All manufacturers are different, YMMV, etc. Just something I got
burned on and worth watching out for.