I've run across a couple of industrial controller interface programs
that won't run except on version 2.x...setver won't cut it with them.
One was the programming and diag software for the Lynx Loop Access
Controller for the AEG/Gould/Modicon 884 controller. Obsolete
controller, obsolete module, but still in service in many applications.
The only solution was get a 8088 box (won't run on '286 and better) and
a copy of good old DOS 2.1. that's why I keep a couple of old Compaq
portables around. Never know when you're going to need one at 3am.
BTW I still have 2.11 disks for Tandy 1000's and copies of PC DOS 2.0,
2.1 and 3.1, NIB, never had the wrapper broken. If that guy who needed
a copy of DOS 2.x will privately email me I'll look to see if I have a
spare copy with docs....go to stay legal ya' know
Brett wrote:
On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, John Higginbotham wrote:
Why not just run... What's that DOS program
that fakes out apps to make
them think they are running on another version of DOS? I'm drawing a blank
here, but I did use it one time to make Windows 2.03 think it was running
under DOS 3.3 when it was actually running on DOS 6.0. Worked great. The
command is documented in the DOS help file, 5.0 and up, IIRC.
setver - pretty easy really 8-)
But that may not be enough. Between 3.3 and 6.0 had less differences
than 2.11 and 6.0. As stated tho - I am forwarding this on the person
who needs it.