And why
doesn't ImageDisk support 4 FDDs on a single FDC? I have some
boards that handle four drives with one FDC by providing two 34 pin
headers that each connect to two drives.
Because 4 FDDs on one controller is not a standard PC configuration. Does
RTFM (In this case the IBM Options and Adapters Technical Reference).
The IBM PC disk controller most certainly supports 4 drives as standard.
There's an 8 bit output port that controls the drive select and motor-on
lines for the 4 drives.
Because of the 'IBM Twist' to get seperate motor-on lines to the drives,
you can only have 2 drives on a cable (the PC disk controller has a 34
pin card-edge for the internal drives and a DC37 for external drives).
Later controllers, as used on the PC/AT, etc, only had one connector for
the intenral drives, and only supported 2 drives. But if you look at the
bit definitions of the drive control output port, you'll see 'gaps' in
it. Those were the bits for the external drive select and motor-on signals.
But I honour
your effort in making a universal disk archiving tool. Hope
it will some day incorporate the above mentioned subjects. On the other
hand, if the source were available...
I would spend many hours helping people understand it, explaining why
It's odd, but I've released a number of classic computer-related programs
under the GNU license and have never had any stupid questions like this.
I do sometimes get interesting questions from people who know what they
are doing and who want to do something totally different with it.
Rememebr that the GNU license does not require you to support anything.
I used to release source code to nearly all of my
stuff, but not any more.
I just don't need the hassles.
You have just lost any respect I may have had for you.