I've connected a 68661 EPCI (Enhanced Programmable Comms Interface) chip to
an 8085A system. It is the "C" variant, so it requires the 5.0688Mhz Xtal.
It's all connected right, and I checked with the CRO and it is being
selected and the 5.0688Mhz TTL signal is accurate and clean.
However, the terminal it connects to just gets garbage or sometimes doesn't
show anything at all. I put a CRO on the Tx line and the signal is RS232
compliant and data is going out. I tried the terminal with a working system
and it works fine.
I think I may be programming the chip wrong. I assume, according to the
literature, that I set up the Mode register for Internal clock x1 internal
clock for async comms. I then program the necessary 4-bit code for the speed
I want. However, the datasheet shows the speeds with x16 clock. So, I tried
programming it with x16 internal clock, but still no luck. Also, the data
sheet says when using async that you use the x1 clock - which I did
originally - yet the sheet shows the speeds with x16 clock. I'm very
All I want is 2400bps, 7data, no parity, one stop bit async.
Has anyone used the 68661?