PC-DOS 1.00 Purchased from Seattle Computer
Products, and
cleaned/finished a little. First commercial release of
Personal Computer Disk Operating System Note that that is a
description, NOT a name. it is NOT trademarked, although IBMs
lawyers will respond if somebody else tries to trademark it
(see DRI)
Single sided 8 sector per track (160K) floppies.
MS-DOS 1.00 Same as PC-DOS 1.00, except, . . . Sold ONLY to
NOTE: "MS-DOS" IS a name, and is a registered trademark.
In February 1987, I actually went in the stacks at the Patent And
Trademark Office in Virginia, and confirmed that "MS-DOS" is trademarked,
but "PC-DOS" is not. (I had other business there, trademarking XenoSoft
and XenoCopy)