Sure! Let's have a driving contest to see who can
drive the fastest, but
first we all have to build our own cars. THAT MAKES AN AMAZING AMOUNT OF
Shsssh! We're building a race track first.
No, that's too
simple. First we have to go terraform Mars so that we can
build the race track there. We don't want to give anyone an unfair
advantage by letting them race their cars in a familiar atmosphere.
I'm having a little bit of difficulty with not being able to use modern
tools and materials for the metallurgy for building my engine. :-)
Will I have to build it on Mars, also?
If you really want to see a drivers only contest, watch IROC racing (was
just on ESPN this afternoon) - a dozen identical cars, and in 40 laps, the
pack spread out to a few car lengths. The winner was a Pontiac. So was
the loser, and every other car in the race. I think that it is more fun to
watch an event where the vehicles differ.
We really need two sections of the whole competition - one section with
fixed platforms, and one section permitting custom hardware.