Laughs... take that lesson well everyone! I lost a TV
remote this
way! It mysteriously walked off and didn't realize it is in that bin
when I took grabage out. Oh, any relining and couch can eat the
tasty remote. *CRUNCH!* Happened to friend who was searching
for bits of parts till I visited there on vacation and helped him to
recover parts by inverting and thumping hard that recliner that and
there till parts drops out. Remote came out fine after replacing all
LEDs and parts in place.
One of the items I prized from my high school graduation was a solid silver
very nice looking pen. I kept it safe for a few years, then lost it. Seven
years later I found it while giving a recliner a final shake out prior to
I once dropped a doorlock key in our Volvo 145 wagon, and NEVER found it.
When I moved out of my parents house my mom let a string of people stay in
my room. One day while visiting I noticed one of my Lowe Alpspitz hiking
boots that cost $185 a pair in 1970 sitting in the trash. It was more than
10 years later that I finally found the other boot.
Anyone that thinks I might toss some computer stuff, just doesn't know me.