Paul Thompson wrote:
You should be able to do a BOOT/R5:00000001 DIA0: and at the SYSBOOT>
prompt do a SET STARTUP_P1 "MIN"
Took for ever for me to get that to work.
SYSBOOT> CONTINUE to get to a minimum
boot prompt to delete stuff. If it asks for a password and you don't know
it you might have to gp back to SYSBOOT> and do the SET UAFALTERNATE 1 or
"TRUE" or whatever it says in the VMS FAQ (going from memory here)
It never got to a password. It complains that a file is bad. Here is a
partial screen capture:
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SYSDUMP.DMP on System Disk successfully mapped
OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version V6.2 Major version id = 1 Minor version
id = 0
%DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.08.00
%SYSINIT, primary PAGEFILE.SYS not found; system initialization
Error opening primary input file SYS$INPUT
Error in file name
(if you do need to crack the SYSTEM password, unlike what is says in the
VMS FAQ I found that you don't need to enter SYSTEM as the password you
can enter whatever you want or blank at the password prompt and then hit
CTRL Z a few times once you've passed the password prompt and you will
get in once that UAFALTERNATE is changed)
I'll look up the VMS faq now. I probably should look through it :-)
Once in to $ you can do a
SET DEF DIA0:[000000]
PURGE/LOG [...]*.log,[...]*.old
to get rid of old file versions that might be left lying around taking up
to look for large files or whatever
Well, hopefully I'll get this far eventually!
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA