On 11/14/19 8:05 AM, dwight via cctalk wrote:
FETs come in to basic types, junction and MOS.
Junction FETs can only be depletion types but MOS can be both, depletion or enhancement.
CMOS uses enhancement types. The CuO was a depletion type junction FET. MOS is about as
different from a junction FET as a junction FET is from a bipolar transistor. All three
use semiconductors but in different ways. Connecting the three types and saying it was
invented in the 1920's is silly. The MOS FET is only in name related to the CuO FET.
They were both field effect. They didn't have anywhere near the manufacturing
abilities to make MOS FETs at that time, nor did they understand how it worked to make
So what's your point?
That Shockley et al. invented the MOSFET?
That Lilienfeld didn't invent a type of transistor before Shockley et al.?
That Lilienfeld didn't invent the FET?
I'm trying to follow.
The success of any sort of transistor in my own opinion, owes more
toward materials science (e.g. zone refining) than the notion of the
devices themselves.
Negative-resistance solid-state devices were well known even prior to
Lilienfeld. It's just that material technology hadn't evolved to a
point where they were commercially viable.
One fellow has documented his success building oscillators and
amplifiers using galvanized steel bits.