DOS 3.31 or 6.2x
Windoze 3.0
Spinrite (DO NOT let it enable "retore known bad sectors to use")
Norton Futilities (I never used it, but most "power users" needed it to
clean up after themselves)
Lode Runner
MASM 5.0
DeSmet C
Microsoft C 5.0
Turbo Pascal
POST (not for boot, as a display of debugging messages)
Visicalc or Lotus
Xerox Ventura
Publisher's Type Foundry
Poems Font Editor
Corona/Cordata laser printer (software refuses to run on 286 or newer)
Sunshine EPROM programmer
Copy-II-PC Option Board (occasionally swapped out for Apple Turnover)
2 hard drives
2 360K floppies, and external 5.25" 720K and 3.5" 720K
22Disk or Uniform (Those were NOT the program that I used)