But I'm
not apprehensive about introducing solvents into *some*
electronics at least. I'll admit though they range from ok to bad to
worse though.
Like anything else, you need to know what sort of parts can handle
washing. Just as you can wash some PC boards, certain electromechanical
Of course. CLeaning and degreasing solvent are very useful when used
In genral, what does a lot more harm than good is to soak acomplete
assmebly in solvent, or to spray solvent into something
indescriminately.. You end up moving the gunk from one place where it's
not wanted to sowmehre else where it is probably equally not wanted.
What does do good is to take the thing apart, soak those paets that can
be safely soaked in the solvent, then wipe them clean nad repeat with
fresh solvent until they really are clean. Not forgetting to clena out
pivot holes ('pegwood' anyone ;-)) And then to correctly relubricate things.
parts such as pushbuttons, relays, and even other
parts such as non-sealed
variable resistors and tunable inductors may not be able to handle being
washed and may have been installed on the PC board after the initial
cleaning during manufacture.
Alternatively there may have been sealing tapes applied when the
component was made and pulled off after the compnent was fitted ot tghe
PCB and the PCB cleaned. I have seen at least one relay which had a
plastic 'pip' on top you were supposed to cut off after the relay was
fitted and tge PCB had been cleaned. Obviously with suych parts there's
no way to re-seal them for subsequenct cleaning of the board.