On 17 November 2010 19:51, Rob Jarratt <robert.jarratt at ntlworld.com> wrote:
I am trying to install Ultrix on to this machine and
it is failing very
early in the process. It is failing at the stage of detecting the disks with
an "invalid block size" error.
From what I remember you need to re-disklabel the
drives with an a
(root), b (swap) and another free partition (g,h) for usr etc.
Data disks were normally the c partition (entire disk). I also
remember much fun with the bc command (basic calculator) to work out
my partition sizes and layout and disklabel -er to edit, something
like 32mb for a, RAM size * 1.5 for b and g or h being the rest of the
disk. After that the install was automatic. Also remember I've not
done this since 1996 or thereabouts :)
My NetBSD knowledge is limited to a single install on a VAX3100 a
looooong time ago.
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