>recommendation for something general would be
>appreciated, whether a past or present publication.
> Purpose: the investigate the possibility of modifying
>a recent multisync to sync down to TV frequencies. Not
>interlaced necessarily. Just to use a modern monitor
>with stuph that operates between CGA and VGA
>frequencies. Much obliged.
I'll echo that I don't think it's practical to do this. Modern multisync CRT
monitors contain lots of circuitry to manage the various linearity and distortion problem
imposed by the need to vary sweep frequencies. The horizontal sweep components, in
particular, won't let you get much below 32 Khz or so.
I suppose one could use a TV-freqency video "frame grabber" on a PC to acquire
then display on a modern monitor, but that seems to be the long way around the job.
Why not just use a TV, if you're looking for TV-ish frame rates? I used
a TV with my old CGA card *years* ago. Now I use a VGA-to-RGB cable and
a suitably strange modeline to play back video on a TV.