Given enough spare time and some guidance I can connect my VAX 3540
to HECnet. I have a DMR11 that I can put in the VAX, a synchronous
null-modem, and a KDP that can go in the KS10. This would
theoretically get a PDP10 on HECnet.
At 07:05 PM 12/8/2005, Julian Wolfe wrote:
Yeah, as soon as I get my TK50 or one of my 9 tracks
working I'm going to
load DECnet/E, and then hopefully put my 11/23plus up on HECnet.
It would be neat if we could get the guy running the DEC 10 on pdpplanet to
link up to us also.
I think this'll pick up steam as it rolls downhill, as most net trends do.
Once people see that there are several machines on the network, it'll become
I gotta say, it sure would be cool to have my installation of DECmail
connected with other systems across the globe.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces at [mailto:cctalk-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Robert Armstrong
> Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 5:41 PM
> To: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
> Subject: A Hobbyist DECnet Network
> I'm interested in setting up a network of hobbyist DEC machines linked
> together in a DECnet phase IV network. Why? I suppose there's no really
> good reason, but it seems like it would be fun to be able to do "SHOW
> or "NCP SHOW ACTIVE NODES" and see a whole long list of machines that
> aren't
> mine :-) Besides, it would be a good way to share access to real,
> non-simulated, VMS/RSX/RSTS and even, maybe, TOPS-10 or 20, machines.
> Does anyone else agree? Is anyone else interested in participating?
> I know I'm not the first to think of this; in particular, I've had a few
> email discussions recently with Johnny Billquist about HECnet,
> At some point I'd like to link up with HECnet, but right now Johnny is
> having ISP problems and it sounds like HECnet is down to one or two nodes.
> Are there any other hobbyist DECnet associations that are going strong?
> As for technology, it seems like the best thing would be to use the
> Internet as our communications medium. Nobody wants to pay for
> point-to-point leased lines anymore, after all. Multinet, TCPware, and
> even
> DECNet Phase V all have the ability to send DECnet traffic over IP. Right
> now I'm leaning towards Multinet - they have a free hobbyist license
> program, and Multinet can create point-to-point virtual DECnet circuits
> using UDP packets that can be routed over the Internet. They're simple to
> set up and administer.
> I have a fair amount of Internet bandwidth available at my location, and
> I
> can set aside a VS4000 VLC or model 90 to serve as a dedicated Phase IV
> routing node.
> Bob Armstrong