Hi Michael,
I have the RL11 (M7762) for $ 60. If you need cables, I should have them,
but need a few for myself and a list member who is getting an RL8-A from me.
Domestic shipping should be around $10.
Thanks, Paul
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Michael Thompson <
michael.99.thompson at gmail.com> wrote:
I am reassembling a PDP-11/44 from parts for the Rhode
Island Computer
Museum. I would like to try an RL01 or RL02 drive on the system, but
we don't have another RL02 controller.
Do any of you have a M7762 RL11 disk controller board that you could
donate or sell inexpensively for this project?
The RA81s won't spin up, so I suspect that I need to replace the
starting capacitors.
Do any of you know where to get replacement starting capacitors for
the RA80 or RA81 drives?
Details on the project are here:
Michael Thompson