On 7 Jan 2010 at 16:12, dwight elvey wrote:
The intel 2758s were 2716s. Both H and L types.
Was there ever a 5v-only pin-compatible for the 2708? I've seen
references to a 2508, but have never run across one.
I have one -- in the FTS 88 keybord behind me (it contains the firmware
for the COP800 microcontroller in that keyboard).
But as Dwight said, the 2758 is a half-good 2716 (the difference between
the H and L versions is which half is good -- you had to tie one pin
externally high or low -- the A10 pin on a 2716 of course) depending on
which half you were supposed to use). I wouldn't be surprised if some
2758s were fully-good 2716s, acutally...