Mark Tapley wrote:
a while ago was posted here a recommendation for a set of
security bits. I have at least two items that I can't (reversibly)
get into without them - one is a power supply unit for a PowerBook
3400, which needs a tamperproof torx (I think).
What's an affordable (in the Duell sense) set of tools that
anyone can recommend to me? I'm hoping to get tamperproof Torx,
triangle-head, etc. in several different sizes, so I can keep the
whole set together and just grab it when someone assumes I'm about to
kill myself.
I've found the security bit sets that sell for ?10 or so in the UK
(and have maybe 30 bits) to be quite adequate (i.e. I've not found
that they break themselves nor do they damage the screws I'm trying
to undo). They tend to contain a reasonable range of Torx, a few
Tri-Wings and others whose name I forget :-) plus the usual flat
blade, cross-point and pozidrive.
However, for computers and especially game console use you'll probably
want screwdrivers (and perhaps even extra long shaft screwdrivers)
rather than short, stubby bits. I needed to get into a digital camera
recently and the easiest way acquiring the required tri-wing driver
was to buy one that was advertised as being suitable to open a
Gameboy Advance. I've since found sets of security Torx screwdrivers
(T6-T15) with 75mm shafts for reasonable prices; I've not found a
set of screwdrivers with as wide a range of styles as the sets
of security bits I have although I think all the ones I looked
for were available individually.
If you are going to be prising open mobile phones (a cause even
more lost than my digital camera I suspect!) then you may need
to go down to T5 (I can find as small as T3 online, although they
are not security Torx and I'm not sure I could see well enough to
find such a screw-head!!)