Unfortunately not with me. I have some 8" drives in storage in CA but
brought almost nothing with me when I moved to VA...
Will definitely have work that
djg at
I picked up a
vt78, precursor to the Decmate, 10 years ago for the same
It is configured for WPS but apparently you can tweak it to run the OS.
Anybody know how?
On mine I can put in an OS78 disk to boot its version of OS/8 or
WPS to boot WPS, no changes needed. Their were various rom packs that
go on the back. I don't know if some would make it only run WPS.
Is there software available for it? I thought I
saw a reference to Basic
being available for the vt78.
The standard OS78 has basic on it. See the os78 images on this page.
Do you have anything that can write standard single density 8" disks?
Unfortunately not with me. I have some 8" drives in storage in CA but
brought almost nothing with me when I moved to VA...
Will definitely have work on that when I finally get the unit!
thanks for the link... looks like a lot of useful stuff!
s shumaker