On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
There were power "bricks" with all of the DC voltages made at one time.
+ and -- 5 and 24v was a popular item at the swap meets.
I seem to rememebr that some 8" drives needed a -ve DC supply rail too.
The electronics needed -5V, but there was a 3-terminal regulator on the
PCB that could be connected or not by jumper options. SO the drive migth
want -5V, it might want a bit more (often specified as -12V). Worth
checking the links _bfore_ powering it up.
The 801 manual indicates that it wants either -5v or (with appropriate jumper) -9 to -16v,
which sounds appropriate. -12v or -15v are more common than -5v on supplies with +24v.
- Dave