Hi Bob
I told you to be patient. I found the stuff over the weekend.
Email me directly so that I can send the stuff to you that
won't overflow your inbox. I have what looks like an original
tape dump, the same code done in Intel HEX and a disassembly
of the code. It has a small chunk of code to the console I/O
for a KIM but I'm sure one can reconfigure it to work under
most any environment.
The disassembly only has the address table at the end done
as DB's. His code did an address interpreter, similar to
how Forth traditionally did things. I'd ment to replace these
with address pointers but I've been to lazy.
If you send this to Tom, make sure that he gets the credit
right this time. It is "Dwight Elvey" ( the second time I've
sent it ).
From: "Bob Applegate"
Tom offered to send me a paper tape if I could read it. I asked on this list
got a lot of offers to help... thanks to everyone who
wanted to help!
Today I got email from Tom again. He moved several years ago, and just went
to look for the tapes. The box labeled TINY BASIC had paper tapes, but not
for Tiny. He's optimistic that he might still have the original tapes
and he plans on looking for them. The only version he
found so far has been
for the 1802.
In the mean time, if anyone on the list has any version of Tom's TB, he might
appreciate getting copies, even if it's just the binaries. I'm desperately
the 6502 version, so hopefully someone can get a copy
to Tom.
He must have sold quite a few copies, considering they were originally $5 each
($5 for software? Amazing!). Hopefully someone has some old copies laying