All this talk about frontpanel emulators...
So I have this (mostly) working PDP-11/34, my one and only UniBus
machine. It came with a RK07 drive. But the system was stored under bad
conditions for years. There is rust and corrosion _everywhere_. The
machine works so far but the drive is quite rotten. I have no other
UniBus disk drive interfaces so I need either a new RK07 (unlikely) or
a replacement for the entire conroler / drive combination or:
What about a RK07 drive emulating hardware?
A microcontroler with some TTLs to interface to the RK611 controler on
one side and a compact FLASH card on the other. Maybe cache RAM in front
of the FLASH to reduce write cycles to the FLASH. 32 MB is enough for a
RK07 disk, even if the emulator stores raw data including all sector
headers / trailers.
Problem: Exact and detaild specs of the RK611 <=> RK0[67] interface.
I found some hints in the "RK06/RK07 Disk Drive User's Manual" but not
enough to build a new drive from scratch. Any pointers?