On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Pierre Gebhardt wrote:
Hi all !
Just a question which I'm quite curious about:
Is it possible to use my VAX 4000/200 as a web-server ?
No problem, I know several
people in Holland who do exactly
the same with their VAX 4000-300's- web, smtp and so on.
This, of course, would mean the VAX running 24h a day.
It *does* use a bit of power..
SCSI-disks would certainly be a better choice than my
SDI-disks in order to avoid a crash...
Well, or use DSSI disks.. these things
simply dont wanna
die. I have a few of those running 24/7, and dammit, they
dont give up :)
Is my VAX with its 5 VUP and 32MB RAM fast enough to
a webserver ?
32MB is a bit close, but, yes, it will run VMS 7.1 with the
usual web stuff. Try getting some extra RAM for it, that
will certainly speed it up *a lot* !