Hi Folks
I'ts been a productive Easter ........ Hope you had a nice couple of days also
25 years ago National Semiconductor introduced the SC/MP microprocessor
Today I finished the alpha release of an Emulator for the SC/MP. It is written
in Visual Basic 6.0 and the sources are included also. Docs and background
are also info aviable.
The Dutch Elektuur magazine (Elektor) devoted a lot of space 24 years ago
to a build-it-yourself SC/MP system. The firstversion came with dip-switches to
toggle in binary data into 256bytes of RAM.
Fiddeling with a few other switches would lead to running programs and
getting output via 8 LEDs.
This system is what the emulator emulates. Kinda Altair but with a very
simple CPU.
I've also dedicated part of my website to this program and will eventually
add more SCMP-stuff.
You can read about and fetch the proggy at:
Go => Vintage Computers => SC/MP Elektor Emulator
Sipke de Wal