----- Original Message -----
From: "der Mouse" <mouse(a)rodents.montreal.qc.ca>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Buying in the States was Re: HP analyzer probes
I don't even own a working television, haven't
for decades.
Wow! I'm not the only one!
(Though it hasn't been decades for me yet, as
I only stopped having a
TV in my home in 2000.)
Well, there were a few years where there was a working TV in my home,
but it wasn't mine (and it didn't get used much in any case).
My (now-)ex and I attended a conference where she "won" a door prize
consisting of a handheld LCD-screen TV. This got parked in a drawer
and dragged out maybe twice in the years between then and when we split
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So what is wrong with having a working TV? While I have not watched network
TV much since Seinfeld went off the air, I do like the History Channel,
Comedy Central, and HBO.