This makes me wonder. How standard were the
"standard" components of
radios back during WWII times? Did hackers of that era also see valves
and the other components that radios were being made with as very exotic
or specialized? Maybe hackers 50 years from now will look at ASICs as
child's play because of the unfathomable progress of technology.
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
What little I've read on the subject, ww2 vintage civilian radios were made
from what amount to tube sets (very like chipsets) of 5
tubes designed to go
together with a minimum of other components to make a
reasonably good superhet
receiver. *sigh* You're making me want to get my 1940 philco working again.
I need to replace the filter caps, at least. It hums. Also need to clean the
Jim Strickland
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